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Sale conditions

Sale conditions of wood are specified by the regulation of Director – General of the Sate Forests.

Within the framework of the individual sale , the foresters try to meet the fast growing demand, because more and more people use wood in order to heat their houses. Contrary to general opinion, these are not only village people, even though they prevail among recipients. The growth of firewood demand is the result of occurrence of new housing estates built in the suburbs of large agglomerations, where houses are usually equipped in fireplace heating installations.

Firewood is not only the most ecological heat source, but also is much more attractive in respect of relation of price and electric efficiency, rather than cola, oil, gas or electric power.

In recent years, the Sate Forests increased the sale of firewood of one third – up to over 4 million cubic meters annually. Firewood is not only the most ecological heat source, but also is much more attractive in respect of relation of price and electric efficiency, rather than cola, oil, gas or electric power. Some of customers choose already prepared and cut into pieces wood, the others very willingly obtain it by themselves after arranging all details and fulfilling particular safety conditions, and after paying the fee; that concerns mainly so called "thinnings". Such a raw material is very cheap, that is why many people from village areas profit from such possibility.

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Anomalia pogodowe

Anomalia pogodowe

Pieprznik jadalny-grzyb całoroczny?

Przyroda od lat płata nam figle. Kwitnąca wiosna w grudniu i styczniu to wina ocieplającego się klimatu tak przynajmniej twierdzą specjaliści od zjawisk pogodowych. To, co do niedawna traktowano w kategorii anomalii, obecnie staje się ugruntowaną normą. Jak choćby to, że z początkiem stycznia na polach w pobliżu miejscowości Golce i Rudki, gdzie jeszcze niedawno rosła kukurydza w najlepsze paradują sobie zjawiskowe żurawie – ptaki, które dotychczas swym donośnym wrzaskiem oznajmiały nadejście wiosny wcale nie zamierzają migrować. A może jednak zima w ogóle się nie rozpoczęła, w lasach jeszcze można zbierać grzyby (zdjęcia 18.01.2020r. leśnictwa Brody, Golce i  Rudnica)- kurki w osłoniętym mchem poszyciu leśnym rosną w najlepsze.